Brewster Crag
Canada | Banff | Banff Rock
Brewster Crag lies on the opposite side of Brewster Creek facing the road and is visible from a small turn-out on the right about 100 m past the entrance to the parking area. It is about 30 m high in the centre and consists of a complex series of overlapping corners with steep, slabby faces in between. Currently, the cliff is relatively undeveloped with only eight climbs (mainly sport) but potential for more. It faces west and, being higher on the hillside and with less trees, has a sunnier aspect than Sunshine Rock. Consequently, it has a longer climbing season and may be clear of snow quite early in the year. Access to the crag begins at the Brewster Creek/Healy Creek trail head, as for Sunshine Rock, and is indicated on that map.
- < 5.9
- 10a - 10d
- 11a - 11d
- 12a - 12d
- 13a >
The Left End
Claim Jumpers Wall