Rocky Mountain National Park
Arrowhead (12,645’) is a summit on the Northeast Ridge of McHenrys Peak, in the manner of
Spearhead on the North Rib of Chiefs Head Peak. Arrowhead seems to have been named for a
dramatic pinnacle, Arrowhead Spire, on its east side that is prominent from the Glacier Gorge Trail
below Black Lake. The broad South Face is quite impressive and features an array of great climbs.
The smaller South Face Right is cleaved from the Main South Face by the long South Couloir and the
right ascending South Ramp. The Northeast Ridge, to the right of Arrowhead Spire, forms a substantial
buttress (Point 12387) that has been little explored until recent times, and has the route Ripsaw
along its crest. The North Face, above Solitude Lake, features the alpine routes Hourglass Couloir
and Sister Sweetly. Except for a single route on Solitude Spire, the north side has not captured the
enthusiasm of rock climbers. Any approach to (or descent from) the climbs on Arrowhead made
before mid-July will likely require steep snow travel; plan accordingly. Approaches and descents are
decribed under each aspect of the peak.
Main South Face: The following routes are located on the beautiful wall between the lowpoint
in Arrowhead Ridge and the gully left of the summit block (South Couloir). The left side of the wall
is continuous with the East Face of McHenrys Peak. The right side forms a rounded buttress and
a smaller southeast face above the bottom of the South Ramp. A long, grassy ledge, known as the
Access Ledge, runs across the apron of the main wall, about 200 feet above the talus, and serves
as the rope up point for routes from Artemis to Arrowplane.
Approach: Hike the Glacier Gorge Trail to the northeast end of Black Lake where the outlet passes
through some boulders. Cross to the west side and pick up a path that leads through brush and
trees to a talus field on the slope west of the lake. Stay right and follow a rough path that climbs
along the right edge of a steep, grassy meadow. Scramble over a short rock step, then trend left
(south) over grassy slopes and talus until beneath the South Face. The path here is fairly distinct
and is marked with cairns. To reach the South Ramp, South Face Right, Arrowhead Spire and the
East Buttress, climb a moderate slab at the earliest and easiest point, and continue up a higher
talus field toward your objective. To reach the Main South Face, continue west beneath the slabs.
Descent: The simplest descent is to rappel from the saddle between Arrowhead and McHenrys
1.) Traverse about 150 feet past the low point and look for a fixed nut and slings. Rap 190 feet to
slings on the sloping ramp of The Shaft. Rappel another 160 feet to the lower-angled slabs below.
2.) Locate slings around a block and fixed nuts near the low point in the ridge crest. Rappel 120
feet to another set of slings around a block. Rapl 200 more feet to the highest of the grassy ledges
and walk off.
3.) For routes such as Refugium and Raindance, it is probably easier to descend the South Ramp.