Ogalalla Peak

Rocky Mountain National Park


Ogalalla Peak straddles the Continental Divide along the southern boundary of the park. The northeast and southeast faces are precipitous and offer excellent snow climbs in June and July. The east ridge connects with the summit of Elk Tooth and provides a classic traverse while the west side of the peak, between Ouzel Peak and Point 13049, is gentle in the manner of many summits along the Continental Divide. From Point 13049, the southwest face drops away dramatically into Hell Canyon. The Saint Vrain Glaciers occupy a magnificent cirque to the south, and comprise the headwaters of Middle Saint Vrain Creek. Approach: Ogalalla Peak can be approached from three trailheads on the west side, and five trailheads on the east side; relevant trails are described for each route. Descent: The easiest descent from the summit into Wild Basin is via the North Face route on Ouzel Peak . It is also easy to descend Ogallala Express into the Middle Saint Vrain drainage, and pick up the Saint Vrain Glacier Trail, though this requires a long hike over talus and boulders to intersect the trail in the valley bottom. A third option is to traverse Point 13049, Point 12945, and follow the Continental Divide to East Point (below).

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