Raspberry Rocks
The Needles of Rushmore
This is area has the highest concentration of crack climbing in the southern Black Hills. Climbing here will offer your fingertips a welcome rest from the typical crystal pinching found in the rest of the range. It offers many traditional, sport, and mixed routes. Its formation is a large, north facing, wall on the ridge known by the NFS as Woodpecker Ridge. All routes are located in the Norbeck Wildlife Preserve. From Keystone, SD continue W on US-16 Alt W/US-16 toward Mt. Rushmore. Take a left (south) on Iron Mountain Road/ Scenic U.S. Highway 16A Alt W. Follow the road S for 8.2 miles to a pullout on the SW side of the road (Approx 1.0 mile S of the Lakota Lake turn-off).Park along side of the road in the parking lot. From the parking lot, follow the old two track W-SW up the hill for .91 miles to the top of the ridge (overlook (GPS N 43.837826° W -103.409679°)). From top of the ridge, locate a climbers’ trail that splits of right (NW) and descends down towards the rocks. Follow this climbers’ trail as prescribed for each area.
- < 5.9
- 10a - 10d
- 11a - 11d
- 12a - 12d
- 13a >
West Face
The Ramp
Weather Watchers Wall
Old Wall
Lakota Lake
Ghost Canyon Spire