The Outback is another sub-group in the Playground. Similar to Hidden Acres, it is comprised of a vast sea of granite spires. Thus, navigating may take some time and patience; your reward will certainly be worth the work. Sultan’s Tower is the major formation in this sub-group and can be used to orientate yourself. Directions: From the entrance of Mt Rushmore National Park, continue NW on Hwy-244 for 2.3 miles and turn left on the gravel road for Horsethief Lake Trailhead before the lake. Follow this for 0.2 miles to the first (upper) Horsethief parking lot. Approach: Start on Horsethief Lake Trail #14 and follow for 0.61 miles past the closed trail intersection/corridor to the Centennial Trail #89 intersection. Take a right and proceed up hill on Horsethief Lake Trail #14/Centennial Trail #89, remaining left at the next intersection 400 feet up the slope. From the Trail #89 and Trail #15 intersection, proceed on Trail #14 for another 225 feet until you are perpendicular to another group of formations