The Playground Proper
The Needles of Rushmore
Approach: Start on Horsethief Lake Trail #14 and follow for 0.61 miles past the closed trail intersection/corridor to the Centennial Trail #89 intersection. Take a right and proceed up hill on Horsethief Lake Trail #14/Centennial Trail #89, remaining left at the next intersection 400 feet up the slope. From the Trail #89 and Trail #14 intersection, proceed on Trail #14 for another 0.25 miles and locate a faint climbers’ trail (N 43.877465° W 103.483754°) that heads right (S) up the drainage.
Formations are listed N-S.
- < 5.9
- 10a - 10d
- 11a - 11d
- 12a - 12d
- 13a >